Opening hours:                    Mon-Sat07:00 AM – 07:00 PM for Whole Year                    Closed on all National / Local holidays
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Our curriculum includes early literacy, numeracy, science, social studies, and art. We emphasize the development of fine and gross motor skills, social skills, and emo1onal intelligence.

Day Care

Children learn through play, exploring and discovering in a suppor1ve environment.

Pre School

Hands-on activities and projects engage children and enhance their understanding of various concepts.


Introduction to basic computer skills through interactive and age- appropriate technology sessions.

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What We Do

Learn Based Programs - Individual Sessions

The Royal School System’s curriculum model is designed to provide a comprehensive and balanced education that nurtures academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility. It integrates core academic subjects with a wide range of co – curricular activities, promoting creativity, critical thinking, and physical fitness.


Why Choose Us

What Make Us Different from Others

We are inspired by our passion for educa1on and the poten1al of every child. We focus on holis1c development, fostering academic excellence, character building, and emo1onal well-being in a suppor1ve community.

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What our parents say!!!!


Celebrating Preschool Achievements

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Preschool Picasso Showcase

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Tales and Tidbits

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Explorers Day: Reach for the Stars

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Welcome to the Royal School System Preschool Program, where we lay the founda1on for lifelong learning in a nurturing and s1mula1ng environment.

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